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Chicago & Devonport // New Group Shows

Writer's picture: Andrew McLeodAndrew McLeod

Never standing still, New Blood Pop has 2 new paintings (see one above) in a group show 'BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL' opening tomorrow (5-8pm Thursday 8th August) at Flagstaff Gallery, Devonport, Auckland, NZ:

Brad Novak has been shaping the urban art scene in New Zealand, and around the world, since taking on the moniker ‘New Blood Pop’ in 2008.


In the early 2000's his initial inspiration began with the giants of Pop Art, which then phased through to the Street Art global elite (with whom he would one day show) over the following decade.

"My art is not me... but rather a reflection of who I am, and the conversation I want to have with the world. The real magic happens when others connect with that!"

- Brad Novak

This NZ show comes quickly off the back of Novak selling out in a just-opened group show with the coveted Vertical Gallery in Chicago. See those pieces below.

Showing alongside the best in Urban art worldwide (in Vertical's Summer Group Exhibition) Novak continues to set the pace, trailblazing where few Kiwi artist have gone before.

May the force be with you... always.



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