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Never standing still, New Blood Pop has 2 new paintings (see one above) in a group show 'BRIGHT and BEAUTIFUL' opening tomorrow (5-8pm Thursday 8th August) at Flagstaff Gallery, Devonport, Auckland, NZ:

Brad Novak has been shaping the urban art scene in New Zealand, and around the world, since taking on the moniker ‘New Blood Pop’ in 2008.


In the early 2000's his initial inspiration began with the giants of Pop Art, which then phased through to the Street Art global elite (with whom he would one day show) over the following decade.

"My art is not me... but rather a reflection of who I am, and the conversation I want to have with the world. The real magic happens when others connect with that!"

- Brad Novak

This NZ show comes quickly off the back of Novak selling out in a just-opened group show with the coveted Vertical Gallery in Chicago. See those pieces below.

Showing alongside the best in Urban art worldwide (in Vertical's Summer Group Exhibition) Novak continues to set the pace, trailblazing where few Kiwi artist have gone before.

May the force be with you... always.


Updated: Jan 16, 2024

Brad Novak New Blood Pop Urban Artist In Studio

New Blood Pop's solo show 'BEGIN AGAIN' opens tomorrow (Saturday 18th November) at CR Exhibit Space, 24 Wharf Road, Coromandel Town, NZ:

For more than 15 years Brad Novak (aka New Blood Pop) has been placing meaningful quotes into his paintings. Through well-known sayings, or self-composed phrases, he is commenting on the trials and tribulations of living life whilst growing into your own skin.

There are several quotes that have profound meaning (to him personally) that he still utilises to this day. None more so than ‘Begin Again’ which comes from the oeuvre of a celebrated American poet:

“You may do this, I tell you, it is permitted. Begin again the story of your life.”

- Jane Hirshfield

This quote references Novak’s pivotal exposure to the creative world after a visit to the Tate Modern in London whilst on his OE at the turn of the century. That lightning-strike-type-event sparked his desire to become an artist… from that day onwards he was creatively and intentionally ‘beginning again’ so to speak.

There is also a connection to the perennial challenge of creating. Each time an artist faces an empty canvas, or board, they must choose to begin again. And more generally, each day we wake up we are quite literally recommencing our lives.

Philosophically, Novak believes we have more power than we realise. And that even in each small moment of our lives we have the power to choose a new path. But he is the first to acknowledge that this is often easier said than done!

Novak’s latest solo show - Begin Again - is a culmination of him choosing repeatedly to start, to persevere, to find meaning in the work… and he ‘never’ plans to stop.

Brad Novak New Blood Pop Urban Art Pink Roses

May the force be with you... always.


Updated: Jan 16, 2024

Brad Novak discusses his thoughts on the recently held 'Art in The Park' in Auckland, NZ:

Several years ago, Cary, from Flagstaff Gallery in Devonport, secretly told me about a huge show she was planning. Fast forward in time, and I was honoured to be the first artist taken through the empty exhibition space prior to the inaugural event. We both shared a moment of excitement and promise for what the future could bring!

Much like an artist staring at a blank canvas, Cary was faced with a blank (empty) room. That same space was recently flourishing for the 3rd time with the works, and buzz, from over 100 artists bravely showcasing their inner world to those of you with a reciprocal desire to engage.

For me, this was a wonderful opportunity to engage with others about own experiences, their response to my work, but also to discuss the reasons I create… or the reasons I created each piece... or placed a specific symbol or subject within a work! None of which are random or simply ‘following the current trend’.

Despite being self-defined as an ‘urban pop artist’ (since I took on the New Blood Pop moniker in 2008), my works are deeply personal, convey meanings around the subjective nature of identity, the issues with an ever-increasing technological age, and what it means to ‘never grow up’… and much much more!

The show was a huge hit for me personally, selling a high number of works (vastly exceeding expectations), and it was satisfying to receive so many kind words of encouragement from collectors both 'old and new'.

Hadley Novak (aged 11 years) holding a limited edition screenprint featuring her dancing at age 3.

Special thanks to Christine Rabarts Art Dealer for her expert assistance at my booth and she, Glenn Taylor and Jason Heather for their help with logistics.

Opinions vary as to whether artists should solely show through galleries or also take opportunities offered to them through massive group shows such as this. For me, the chance to engage with so many people over such a concentrated period is one that I don’t take for granted.

To finish, I’m keen to hear your thoughts about any of the above. Comment or feel free to message me directly. I’m always up for a conversation about art and life!

May the force be with you!!




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